Why Work With Us

The unique value we bring to the table.

Our Promise

How we ensure a win-win outcome.

Fair Market Value

We will work closely with you and your advisors to ensure a fair valuation.


We will handle the process with utmost confidentiality and discretion.

Smooth Transition

We will work hard to ensure a seamless transition with a minimal training period.

Long-Term Commitment

We aim to sustainably grow the business for more than 20 years.

Our Operational Approach

How we will sustainably grow the business for the next 20 years.


We will focus 100% of our time and resources to help the business succeed.


We will invest in technology to enhance productivity and customer engagement.


We will invest in marketing to drive demand and increase brand awareness.


We will invest in training, wellness, and incentives to retain and attract talent.

Our Leadership Approach

How we lead and empower high-performing teams.
Loïc Carrère

Johan is the most respectful leader I ever met in my career and the work Johan and Nick accomplished so far is simply spectacular.

Loïc Carrère

CEO of ORPALIS (acquired by PSPDFKit)

Worked with Johan and Nick

Mano Toth

Johan is the kindest, wisest, humblest, and most supportive leader I have ever had the pleasure to work with. From the first moment, I felt an atmosphere of competence, confidence, and trust around him, and he has always lived up to this promise.

Mano Toth

Head of Documentation at PSPDFKit

Reported directly to Johan

Obren Jankovic

Johan and Nick are exceptional leaders, genuinely good people, and dedicated mentors who foster an environment where everyone feels valued and inspired.

Obren Janković

Head of Content at PSPDFKit

Reported directly to Johan

Yuki Maruoka

I cannot thank you enough for your support during my co-op at Maximizer. I learned a lot from you, and the experience helped me make important career decisions.

Yuki Maruoka

Marketing Analyst at Maximizer Software

Reported directly to Johan

Reg Robazza

Both Johan and Nick are not only easy to work with and really good guys, but are both professionals who know what they are doing and bring results. I really enjoyed my time working with both.

Reg Robazza

Director of Customer and Information Services at Maximizer Software

Worked with Johan and Nick

Mike Raia

In my time working with Nick and Johan, I appreciated their experience, honesty and innovative approach to driving growth of inbound leads at PSPDFKit.

Mike Raia

VP Marketing at Integrify

Worked with Nick and Johan

Cosmin Iorgus

Johan and Nick's humbleness, support, and inspiration create a work environment that feels like a second home, where personal growth and success go hand in hand.

Cosmin Iorgus

Web Integrator and Designer at PSPDFKit

Reported directly to Johan

Natalye Childress

During the time I worked with Nick and Johan, I felt supported and valued in my work. They are effective managers, and they are kind and thoughtful in all their interactions.

Natalye Childress

Editor at PSPDFKit

Reported directly to Nick

Stephen White

I learned a lot from Johan in the short time I had the privilege of working with him and I would recommend Johan to lead any marketing team.

Stephen White

Digital Marketing Manager at PDFTron

Worked with Johan

A Private Equity Alternative

What we offer in comparison to selling your legacy to private equity.

Team Continuity

We offer a secure and promising future for your team, avoiding the uncertainty common in PE transitions.

Long-Term Timeline

Unlike private equity's typical 4-7 year horizon, we focus on sustainable longer-term growth.

Dedicated Focus

Your business is not just another portfolio company to us; it receives our full attention and resources.

Building for the Future

We focus on sustainable long-term growth instead of short-term financial manoeuvres or cost-cutting.

Have a Business Acquisition Opportunity?

We’d love to learn about it.